The Christmas Trail is excited to announce that we WILL be OPEN for the 2020 season! Our event will be modified accordingly for safety measures. While we will not be operating laser tag but we will still all of your favorite attractions plus new ones!
Covid-19 Safety
Enhanced Cleaning: We will have enhanced cleaning of all surfaces and contact areas throughout each night, with certain staff assigned to cleaning roles. These staff will be given proper safety wear and cleaning supplies.
Physical Distancing: Our venue will enforce a 6ft distance rule in any line or queue line. Guests will go through the event only with the group they came with. Volunteers (working inside the event) will also maintain a minimum of 6ft distance.
Limited Contact: We are looking to have the least amount of contact as possible for guests. Ticket sales will be entirely online. Touch-less entry and exit will be in place.
We will be further executing our Covid-19 safety plan by also doing the following:
Temperature Screening: Contact less temperature checks will be done on all volunteers and guests before they enter. Those with temperatures above 100.4 degrees will not be allowed to enter.
Face Coverings: Face coverings will be required for all guests as well as volunteers. Face coverings must be worn at all times.
Limited Capacity and Reservations: We will be reducing our capacity by nearly 50% as well as putting in place a new queue line reservation system. This will help spread out those coming to the event and limit the crowd that will be in the event at one time.
Additional signage and sanitation: We will have additional signage throughout the event reminding guests and volunteers to follow our safety procedures. Additionally, we will also have numerous hand sanitization stations located throughout the event.
Limited Attractions: Some attractions we will not have at this year’s event as they pose a high risk to guests and volunteers.